Full STack Web Development

I am incredibly passionate about web development. I am knowledgeable in UX Design, Front-End Development, Back-End Development, APIs, and the Database Layer. Check Out my Stack:

UI Design

When designing the user interface, I consider common design principles including color theory, font selection, spacing, and proper responsiveness. My familiarity with Bootstrap CDN means i can quickly create a nice, responsive website and then apply custom CSS to create the feel users are looking for.


For my front-end, I am most experienced with the React.js framework. By using JDX and components to render and respond to users, I create great websites with a reactive, professional feel.


I primarily use expressJS in combination with MongoDB for API development. On my To-Do List project, I utilize dynamic routing for links and custom lists. Check out my project on my home page for more information.


I use node.js in the back end for any programming logic. I like using node because of the widely available packages within NPM, the ease of working with JSON data, and the customizability that comes with the JavaScript-based framework. Both of my featured projects (email API connection and dynamic to-do-list web application) use node in the backend. Check them out on my home page for more information.

Database Layer

Yes, I use a noSQL database option with MongoDB and the mongoose framework. I like mongoDB due to the ease of working with JSON data, plus the ability to quickly scale databases. I am familiar with CRUD operations and always make sure to create a schema with validation parameters for my data.