Management Minor

I am proud to hold a management minor from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. I decided this was a fantastic opportunity to pursue my junior year, since business acumen translates quite well to both engineering and web development.

Macro/Micro Economics

Macroeconomics and microeconomics have plenty of relevance to engineering operations. Being able to optimize time, fiances, land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship, and other scarce resources is crucial in the development of products and apps.

Macroeconomics Resources: Jacob Clifford + Book

Microeconomics Resources: Jacob Clifford + Book

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Accounting (Financial and Managerial)

Accounting is the language of business. Whether I’m analyzing a 10K/10Q to make an investment decision or analyzing cash flows, balance sheets, or income statements, it’s very powerful to understand the impact of inventory, depreciation, investing, operating, and financing expenses.

Managerial accounting is useful for assessing overhead and flows of raw materials, finished goods, and net labor efficiency to identify opportunities for improvement.

Financial Accounting Resources: Lectures Book

Managerial Accounting Resources: Lectures + Book

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When I say I have a passion for business, I really mean finance. Net present value and capital budgeting projections were some of my favorite activities, as well as calculating the impact of time value of money.

Finance Resources: Lectures + Book

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No business exists without marketing, advertising, and sales. For any product or business, marketing is the core behind whether a product can produce decent sales numbers and keep customers satisfied. I created marketing strategies for products, learn how to perform SWOT analysis, and understand different target audiences/market impacts.

Marketing Resources: Lectures + Book

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I learned about communication strategy, the importance of culture in organizations, retention strategies, and how to engage in positive leadership.

Corporate Management Resources: Lectures + Book

Entrepreneurial and Small Business Management Resources: For reliable, consistent information, purchase the following e-Book from Entrepreneurship (5th Edition) by Andrew Zacharakis and then head to

A 2nd edition that is free: Book

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